Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dream 5. Levitation.

My family was running an old hotel. Mine and my brother's families lived in big apartments off the lobby. The apartments had older 70's decor, lots of orange, red, and gold colors, wood panel walls, lots of macrame owls and plant hangers. There was a screened-in porch with artificial grass carpeting and lawn chairs. Charlie, the kids, and Aaron were out there hanging out, being lazy and talking.

I was there with them, sitting and playing with a pencil, then sat it down on a table and began to concentrate on it, holding my hands close to it, willing it to move. It started to levitate, but no one saw. I went out to an outer patio by myself and laid down on a lounge chair. There was a pile of junk and shoes beside me, and I stuck my feet out next to a pair of Crocs, again concentrating intensely. One of the shoes began to levitate. This time, Charlie walked out and witnessed it.

I went back inside and explained to everyone what I could do. I levitated the pencil, this time with ease, and went inside to see what else I could move with my mind. I concentrated on the sofa (the uncomfortable antique sort with fancy wooden trim), but instead of moving it, I forced sound from it. I concentrated on just one sound, one note, at first. Eventually, I had it playing the tune to Row Row Row Your Boat.

Skip forward (as I don't remember parts of the dream), I had perfected my technique and could make the furniture speak words, even full sentences, but only in my voice.

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