Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dream 1. Murder, Bleeding, and Accidental Death

I've had this idea for awhile, for a dream diary. I know it's not exactly original, the idea, but I needed a place to store my subconscious movies. I had been typing them out and posting them to my blog or sometimes Facebook, but I think I lose something in the process of typing them out. These will be the audio recordings from when I first wake up, of me retelling the dreams when they are still fresh in my memory (and yes, I normally recall several per night).

The video part will hopefully become more interesting as I learn how to do different things with it. Right now, just deal with a pretty picture while you listen to me ramble. The audio is also a bit scratchy and messy, it's the voice recorder on my phone. I'll try to find a way to make future audio sound cleaner, but for now, whatever.

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